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Public Notices

Notice to Creditors – Estate of Monty Lyle Jensen

October 23, 2024 - 4:02 pm

Notice to Creditors
Decedent’s Estate

Court address: 625 North State Street, Stanton, MI 48888
Court telephone no. 989-831-7316
Estate of Monty Lyle Jensen
Date of birth Redacted to MC 97
Notice to Creditors: The decedent, Monty Lyle Jensen, died 02-03-2013. Creditors of the decedent are notified that all claims against the estate will be forever barred unless presented to Jacob Montgomery Jensen, personal representative, or to both the probate court at 625 North State Street, Stanton, MI 48888 and the personal representative within 4 months after the date of publication of this notice.
Jacob Montgomery Jensen, Personal representative, 6051 Lake Montcalm Rd, Edmore, MI 48829
Telephone no. 616-302-4739

Notice of Adoption of Ordinances to Regulate Wind, Solar and Utility Battery Storage

November 20, 2024 - 12:50 pm

Notice to Creditors

January 8, 2025 - 11:32 am

Notice to Creditors – Estate of Helga Lucile Radick
January 9, 2025
Notice to Creditors
Decedent’s Estate
Estate of Helga Lucile Radick
Date of birth April 01, 1930
Notice to Creditors: The decedent, Helga Lucile Radick, died 08/13/2024. Creditors of the decedent are notified that all claims against the estate will be forever barred unless presented to James Eugene Radick, personal representative, within 4 months after the date of publication of this notice.
James Eugene Radick, Personal Representative, PO Box 281, Howard City, MI 49329
Telephone no. 616-430-7036

Belvidere Township Budget Workshop 2025 March 5, 2025

March 19, 2025 - 3:23 pm

Meeting called to order 6:10 pm


Board Members present: Tarin Minkel, Forrest Herzog, Leigh Murray, Judy Spring, Brent Dietrich


Public Comments Pertaining to the Agenda Item: 2025-2026 Budget Workshop



Board Comments: None


Board discussed the budget and where funds need to be increased/decreased or eliminated. No final budget figures made. Final budget meeting is March 12, 2025 at 6pm


Public Comments: Mark Anderson-make the fund balance easy for residents to understand. What is reorganization? Variance-need to know what everything is for. Page 5 Miscellaneous-get rid of. Elections reimbursements. Keep up with what you’re doing, it will make a difference in the end.


Next meetings: Budget meeting – March 12, 2025- 6 pm, Regular Board meeting March 19, 2025-6 pm, Budget meeting to approve, March 24, 2025- 6 pm, Saturday Clerks hours March 29, 2025-10am to 1pm


March 19, 2025 - 3:24 pm

Meeting called to order at 6:17 pm


Board Members present: Forrest Herzog, Tarin Minkel, Brent Dietrich, Judy Spring, Leigh Murray-absent


Public Comments Pertaining to the Agenda:


2025-2026 Budget Workshop – Request for information/purchase of ground penetrating radar for use at the cemetery


Board Comments – worked through some of the information on the budget. Compiling numbers from Chart of Account figures, talked about fully funding the next budget, why and how to do it. Draft of budget to be on line by Thursday, March 25, 2025.


Upcoming meetings:

Regular monthly meeting March 19, 2025

Budget Approval/hearing March 24, 2025 at 6pm

Coffee with the Supervisor, Tuesday March 25, 2025, 5pm to 8pm

Saturday Clerks office hours, March 29, 2025, 10am – 1pm

Upcoming Events


Storage Available

Fountain’s Storage – 2 locations ready for your storage needs in Lakeview, 8797 Tamarack Road and 9287 M-46.  Call: (989) 352-8074.

Classified Ads

Classified Ads cost $10 for the first week and $5 each additional week as long as there is no changes to the ad. The ad is due the Monday before the Thursday edition of the newspaper. Lost and found pet ads are free. Please send Classified Ads by e-mail:

In-home Caregivers Needed Immediately!

Northern Montcalm & Southern Mecosta counties. Competitive wage, full or part time. Past experience as a homemaker, in care facility, or family care. Reliable transportation, background check will be made. Call: 989-831-5000

About the Lakeview Area News

Dick Boomer started the Lakeview Area News in 2006 with his granddaughter Dana Keilholtz. They started the process in January 2006 and the first issue came out March 9, 2006. The original address for the newspaper was 318 S. Lincoln Avenue in downtown Lakeview, Michigan. Dana started doing production and layout and advertising design. Rich Boomer (Dick’s son) and Kim Boomer (Dick’s daughter-in-law, the wife of his other son, Chris) were the first advertising sales persons. Dick Boomer handled the finances.

The first week in April 2006, just four weeks after the first newspaper was published, Linda Huckins started writing for the newspaper. Linda was transplanted from out east with a journalism degree and lots of newspaper and magazine experience. “My dream has always been to open a small-town newspaper, but I didn’t have the capital,” she said. “When I walked into the Lakeview Area News office, I knew I was home. Working there was the next best thing.” That same week, there was a death in the Keilholtz family. Linda volunteered to cover the front desk at the office so Dana and Dick could attend the funeral, and she has been with the newspaper ever since.

Dana needed some time off to help her husband grieve and Linda agreed to fill in. After a few weeks, there was a shift in responsibilities. Linda took over production and layout and handled editorial issues and writers as well as doing some of the writing herself. Rich and Kim had to leave the newspaper because of other obligations, so Dana then concentrated on selling and designing ads. As the paper grew in popularity, the job became too big for Dana to handle alone. Lisa Jensen took over some of the ad design responsibilities and Pam Hufford came on board as a sales person. The 29” broadsheet design was too large and cumbersome. It was decided to switch to a smaller 25” size, which most local newspapers use. At the same time, they switched printers to Pioneer Press in Big Rapids.

Robin Ward came to work for the newspaper when Dick Boomer owned the paper and she stayed on working for Dana and Linda. Robin put in many long hours proofing and editing the paper as well as performing layout duties. It was during those years that she developed the Ruffs by Rosco column expressing the world through the eyes of her faithful dog, Rosco. Robin still writes that column, and it is one of the newspaper’s most popular features. Our many thanks to Robin for her dedication and support of our newspaper.

Within a year, the newspaper expanded coverage into Six Lakes, Remus, Blanchard, Edmore, Howard City, Amble, Stanton, Sheridan, and other areas surrounding Lakeview.

The response has been overwhelming. Several local people wrote weekly or bi-monthly columns, others willingly submitted articles on a regular basis, and others submitted story ideas.

In October 2007, Dana and Linda bought Dick out and took over the newspaper as partners. The newspaper then became the Lakeview Area News, LLC. They continued running the paper until February 2010 when Dana bowed out and Linda became sole owner. By this time, Pam Hufford no longer worked for the paper. Two other ad representatives joined the staff – Julie Camp and Kristina Marsh. Linda hired other office and layout staff as well. Two are still working at the newspaper – Sandy Dean, who is office/billing manager and ad designer, and Kelly Wright, who is layout editor.

In September 2011, Linda sold the newspaper to the current owners, Gerald (Jake) Kinsey and Charlene Kinsey. The name stayed the same, except it no longer is an LLC. Linda stayed on as Managing Editor for a couple years to run the day-to-day operations, and the Kinseys handle the business end. Linda retired in 2014, but she continues to write articles and helps in other ways. The first issue under the Kinseys’ leadership came out September 15, 2011. Shortly after buying the newspaper the Kinseys started renting their current office space in the Lakeview Family Chiropractors building at 960 S. Lincoln Ave in Lakeview.